
Russian sage
Russian sage

russian sage

Sweet William is a beautiful, drought tolerant plant that can grow up to four feet tall. It prefers moist soil but not boggy soil. Sweet William is a short, upright annual that blooms in shades of pink, red, and white. Russian Sage is a perennial plant that grows 1-2 feet tall and has bluish-purple flowers. Russian Sage and Sweet William are two beautiful plants that look great together. Be sure to avoid planting Russian sage near fennel or dill, as these herbs can compete with it for nutrients and space. These plants help to attract beneficial insects to the garden while also deterring pests. Some good companion plants for Russian sage include yarrow, daylilies, and other Achillea varieties. Achillea millefolium – Plant height 2-3 feet, width 2-3 feet. Russian sage is a good companion plant for the yarrow plant. They are drought tolerant and beneficial to nearby plants and those susceptible to disease.


Yarrow plants need full sun and rich, well-draining soil to thrive. The average size of milkweed is Height 2-4 feet. It is a good plant for monarch butterflies when paired with Russian sage. Milkweed sprays are often pinkish purple but can also be white, red, or beige in color. Monarch butterflies are beautiful creatures that depend on milkweed to survive. Milkweed typically emerges in the springtime. However, it is important to note that you should deadhead the flowers before they go to seed, as the mature pods can release sap that is toxic to monarchs. It blooms throughout the summer and produces vibrant colors. Milkweed is a beautiful, flowering plant that is popular with monarch butterfly larvae. The flowers come in shades of yellow, orange, and red, and they attract butterflies and birds.

russian sage

They can be planted in the spring or fall, and they will bloom throughout the summer.

russian sage

Black-eyed Susans can be added to wildflower meadows or native plant gardens for a more naturalized look.īlack-eyed Susans are hardy perennials that grow in average soil. They add a pool of sunshine to the garden and look appropriate among taller shrubs. They have average sizes of 8 inches to 5 feet tall and can be used as companion plants for Russian sage.īlack-eyed Susans are a tough, native plant that blooms in the summer. There are many popular varieties such as Stoke Poges and Whichford. Each bloom only lasts for a single day, but some superior cultivars have numerous buds so the bloom time is long.ĭaylilies are perennials that come in many colors like cream, red, orange, purple, and pink. They can often be found growing in ditches and fields, and there are over 50,000 named cultivars available. Daylilyĭaylilies are hardy perennials that are easy to grow. Additionally, most recent selections are mildew resistant, so you don’t have to worry about them becoming diseased. Phlox add height, heft, and charm to the border, while low-growing wild sweet William, moss pinks, and creeping phlox make effective ground covers. There are many different types of phlox, and they all serve a unique purpose in the garden.

russian sage

They typically grow up to 3 feet tall and are a staple in any large sunny flowerbed or border. They produce colorful flowers that can range in color from white to purple. Phlox is a type of flower that is found in the Polemoniaceae family. Finally, you can add some coneflowers to your garden to attract bees and butterflies. These will provide a nice contrast to the Russian sage’s purple flowers. You can also add some ornamental grasses to your gardens, such as blue fescue or feather reed grass. Some good companion plants for Russian sage include tall plants such as lilies or hollyhocks and short plants such as pansies or violas. Companion planting can add color and contrast to your garden, as well as provide a habitat for beneficial insects. Russian sage is an ornamental garden plant that grows well in the company of other plants. We will also cover what to avoid when planting Russian sage. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Russian sage and some recommended varieties are ‘Blue Spires’. It is a low-maintenance plant that can be easily grown in most climates. Russian sage is a beautiful perennial that is known for its fragrant blooms. It prefers full sun and blooms in shades of lavender and blue. Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) is a perennial plant that is hardy and can act as a specimen plant or contrast to other plants in your garden. – Russian Sage: Tall wispy wands of lavender or blue flowers and grey-green silvery foliage

Russian sage